Supporting and employing local labor.

As a former member of the Central Labor Council, I know that money spent on capital improvement projects creates jobs for our skilled labor trades, and the wages stay right here in town. I support our tradesmen and women and the important role they play in our economy. I want to ensure that Juneau is a place where they can have a thriving career from apprenticeship to retirement without having to leave town to find jobs. As a former shop steward for ASEA 52, I recognize that unions protect workers from all walks of life; from police to teachers, firefighters to clerks and beyond. I support fair contracts for all facets of the city’s workforce.

  • With a shrinking state capital budget, it’s important that the city continue to fund infrastructure projects.

  • I will always back Project Labor Agreements (PLAs); they ensure the quality of the work, fair pay for a day’s work, and boost our local economy.

  • Public safety also means clean water, safe roads, and a sturdy roof over our heads - our labor trades are what ensure a safe community and I support funding and enacting deferred maintenance on schedule.